Call for Abstracts

Abstracts are invited to be submitted for the 34th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), taking place in-person at the Adelaide Convention Centre and virtually from Tuesday 8th to Friday 6th September 2024. Please read the information below before submitting an abstract.

The deadline to submit your abstract is 23:59 (AEST) Monday 8th July 2024.

Presentation Types

Abstracts can be submitted for either of the presentation types below:

1. Posters

  • If accepted, posters in PDF format will be uploaded to the conference digital platform in a virtual gallery.
  • Selected authors will give an oral presentation of their posters at the Adelaide Convention Centre (ACC) on Tuesday 3rd September 2024. This will be live streamed on the online conference platform.
  • All poster presenters will have the opportunity to provide a 3 minute recorded presentation for uploading to the online platform.

2. Clinical Grand Rounds (CGR) cases- for immunology/allergy advanced trainees only.

  • Some CGR cases will be selected for oral presentation on Tuesday 3rd September 2024. This will be in person at the ACC Adelaide and live streamed on the online conference platform.

Poster Themes:

  • Allergy (Food)
  • Allergy (Drug)
  • Allergy (Other)
  • Autoimmunity
  • Immunodeficiency

You will be asked to select one of these themes.

Key Dates:

8th July 2024: Abstract submission and conference registration deadline
Early August 2024: Author notifications sent
Mid-August 2024: Poster PDF submission
Mid-August 2024: Pre-Recorded presentation submissions
End November 2024: Abstracts published in the Internal Medicine Journal

Abstracts are required to be submitted as a Word document using the template provided below.

Submission Details:

  • Only abstracts submitted as Word documents using the template will be reviewed by the Committee.
  • Titles should be short, descriptive, and not contain abbreviations.
  • Abstracts should be checked for spelling and grammar before they are submitted online.
  • Abstracts can contain standard abbreviations spelled out on first use.
  • Abstracts can contain one or two tables, pictures and diagrams, but should not include symbols.
  • Abstracts should only be submitted in English.
  • Abstracts will not be accepted without results included.
  • Encore abstracts will be accepted but will not be published except on the conference platform and in printed posters at the venue.
  • Encore abstracts are not eligible for oral presentations.
  • Industry sponsored abstracts are unlikely to be selected for oral presentations.
  • All abstracts must be submitted by 23:59 (AEST) Monday 8th July 2024 to be considered.

Terms & Conditions:

  • All authors must approve of submitting their work.
  • If the poster is selected for oral presentation, at least one author needs to be available to present in person and for live Q&A in the session after their presentation.
  • The author submitting the abstract must be registered for the Conference by 8th July 2024.
  • All abstracts must be submitted by 8th July 2024.
  • To be eligible for publication in an online journal, abstracts should be original work, not previously published or presented at another meeting.
  • If an author does not want their abstract published, they must advise this at the time of submission.


For all abstract enquiries please contact the Conference Secretariat.

ICMS Australasia

P: +61 2 9254 5000